Whether we receive or give, passivity is the enemy of pleasure. The movements of a caressing or responding body should be akin to a dance. They can be fluid, sometimes mild, sometimes intense, or barely perceptible, but should always be present. The movements of the body allow being much more receptive. They also express which caresses arouse the most pleasure and allow asking even more.
In contrast, the fear of moving and expressing one’s desire or pleasure slows the onset of excitement. Surrender to the movement of the body awakens ideas, emotions and thoughts, and even more desire.
Get out of bed and horizontal
We all too often forget that we can also make love standing, squatting on a chair, on a sofa or curled up in cushions. You can also explore the back of the body, the hollow of the arms, the “tender” thighs. To obtain books like the classic 101 positions of love can serve as inspiration and subtly to understand to his partner that one would like more fantasy. When overcoming his embarrassment, the register of positions can become surprisingly broad. But we must remember that it is not acrobatics that is sought after, but creative exploration. With the time with San Jose escorts you can expect the best returns now.
Vary the schedule
Why not make love in the afternoon (and, if necessary, tell children not to disturb mom and dad during their “nap”)? Or in the morning when the testosterone level of man is at its peak (having taken care to set the alarm clock 30 minutes earlier)? With age, the male biological rhythm would also be more favorable to morning relationships than evening ones.
In want of desire?
The breakdown of desire would represent 40% of sexologist’s consultations! The causes are many, but fortunately the solutions too. For a round of the question, see the article Desire breathless.
The routine can slowly kill desire and pleasure. Fantasy is an excellent antidote. It is important that both partners show openness, trust and abandon in a spirit of play. But they must also feel respected and not put undue pressure on each other. It’s fun that counts, not performance.